Musubu: The Works of Fumi Kimura

By Fumi Kimura
Full color, 208 pg. (Japanese language only)
3,800 JPY tax excluded
Fumi Kimura has made an illustrious career over the past 30 years at the forefront of her field, creating pleasant original spaces for entertaining that defy imitation. Kimura has continued to bring together the elements of food, art, the industrial arts, floral arrangement and other materials to create total spaces that have adorned the tables of residences, hotels, restaurants, businesses and even the Kyushu-Okinawa International summit (2000). Integrating elements ancient and modern, eastern and western, hard and soft, Kimura seamlessly melds materials that would appear at first glance to contradict one another, into singularly quiet, refined spaces. Escaping classification solely related to architecture or interior coordination, surely her efforts can only be characterized as “the works of Fumi Kimura.” It would not be an overstatement to say that Kimura’s magnificent spatial works are the fruits of a now only decades old post war Japan. Although only a selection of Kimura’s total portfolio, ‘Musubu’ features more than 150 visual examples of her work, accompanied by deeply refined and savory accompanying texts. When viewed together, readers are sure to be dazzled, delighted and surprised by the depth, breadth and level of quality readily apparent in the works of Fumi Kimura. Not only does Kimura gently bind (Musubu) seemingly mismatched elements together, but we are also reminded that the true goal of her work is to form and strengthen the bonds between people.